School Age Children

Because great sleep shouldn’t be a mystery – for anyone.
If your child is: struggling to go to bed happily, has issues falling asleep, wakes frequently during the night, rises far too early, needs you to help them get back to sleep, or is still in your bed and it’s causing issues, then let’s chat! I’d love to offer you a free sleep evaluation call to talk through what’s happening, and how I can help.
Maybe you’ve been waiting for them to outgrow the wakes, waiting for them to choose to sleep in their own bed or room and maybe you feel like you’ve tried everything to encourage good sleep and nothing is working. Sleep is still eluding your child (and therefore you). And that means no-one is getting the rest they need!
The first thing you need to hear is, please don’t feel bad.
Sleep issues don’t magically stop when a child reaches a certain age. In fact, new transitions at school age can set off anxiety and the slip into poor sleep often starts from legitimate concerns elsewhere during the day. Then that slip into poor sleep and bad habits can easily set off a pattern of even more emotional outbursts, anxiety and mood disorders that increase stress levels, and ruin sleep, for everyone in the family.
As a sleep specialist, I’m here to tell you, you can get your sleep back. What is happening in your family is unique to you, and to correct it, you need to know what is going wrong. Once we have that established, you can receive a customised solution that works for you and your child. That’s where I can help.
Children well into their teens need at least 10 hours overnight.
While it’s not talked about as often as the sleep deprivation bandied about by new parents. There are far too many school children struggling to sleep well. These children aren’t getting the benefits great sleep brings.
Children often need more sleep than parents account for and many issues stem from overtiredness. Children well into their teens need at least 10 hours over night.
The irony is poor sleep can look like a second wind, or like your child is not tired at all. But that whirring brain can make it harder for them to wind down at night and leads them down a path of ongoing sleep deprivation. Life is hard for our kids these days school, devices and social media can bring up new social situations, mental fatigue, bullying and overwhelm, and that’s on top of any learning (or a pandemic) going on. It’s even worse if your child has a learning difference, like ADHD, ASD or sensory processing disorder (to name just a few).
If your child is struggling to go to bed happily, has issues falling asleep, wakes frequently during the night, rises far too early, needs you to help them get back to sleep, or is still in your bed and it’s causing issues. Let’s chat. I’d love to offer you a free sleep evaluation call to talk through what’s happening, and how I can help.
Together we can get your child sleeping well, with a customised sleep plan that will ease the bedtime battles and build your child’s confidence to sleep independently throughout the night. Leaving them well rested and happier than before. And yes, I work with children who have developmental differences. Book a free call to talk it through today.
Because great sleep shouldn’t be a mystery – for anyone.