Frequently Asked Questions

What child sleep issues do you help with?

I’m here to help you if:

  • Your child will only fall asleep when nursing or bottle feeding,
  • Your child needs a soother or dummy to get to sleep
  • You are waking with your child once, twice, three (or more) times each night,
  • Your child needs to be rocked, bounced, or taken for a car or pram ride to nap,
  • Your own lack of sleep is taking its toll on the family,
  • You want to help your child happily sleep through the night and take long naps during the day,
  • Your child is only taking short naps during the day (but sleeps at night),
  • You’re having bedtime battles and dramas with falling asleep,
  • You’ve moved onto a new developmental stage and are not sure what to do next,
  • Anxiety and bedtime fears,
  • Nap transitions and developmental stages
Who do you help?

I solve sleep issues for families at all stages of their journey – and I also help adults with no children. My work includes infants, toddlers, school children, and adults. Including those with learning differences like ADHD, dyslexia, sensory issues and autism.

The methods are quite different depending on age, so let’s hop on a call and talk it through to see if we’re a good fit. You can book a free call here.

What ages do you work with?

I work with all ages, from 0 – 99 years+. You’re never too young or old to learn healthy sleep habits.

You can even get started pre-birth. Knowing what to expect with sleep over the first three months of life, before you even give birth, will set you up for success going forward. Setting up healthy sleep habits from birth often removes any need to sleep train at a later date. My Cherished Start package will give you the fundamentals of sleep, including schedules and wake times, and also give you some support in those early days.

I love working with younger ages especially babies aged 3-6 months, because if healthy sleep habits are instilled early, everything is so much easier, at any age! However, it’s never too late, or too early, to correct sleep issues or learn healthy sleep habits. Which is what I’m all about.

What do you consider sleeping through the night?

When I work with children ages 3-months and up I consider “sleeping through the night” a consolidated 10-12 hours of peaceful sleep. However, every child is different, and if not developmentally ready yet (or if parents prefer), night feeds may continue on a case-by-case basis.

Can I sleep train my newborn?

Technically, no. A newborn baby (aged under 12 weeks) is not developmentally ready to self-settle or to typically sleep “through the night” without feeds. However, I do suggest you start as you mean to go on. Babies get use to what they know, so if you would like bassinet/cot sleeps at some stage, it makes sense to start on healthy sleep habits early and introduce them to these environments (at your pace).

Having an idea on how sleep works and learning to read your baby’s cues really helps with the newborn stage. And it is definitely possible to set up good sleep habits early, so you don’t have to “sleep train” at a later date.

When can I start sleep training my baby?

You can start establishing sleep habits very early on, from as little as 2 weeks after birth, as long as you realise babies aged under 3-4 months will still need your help with sleep to a certain extent. Between 3-6 months of age babies are very capable of learning to self-settle if you set it up correctly, but some may need a feed overnight still.

Do I have to give up breast feeding if I want to work on sleep?

You can still breast feed if you are working on sleep! One does not negate the other. However, there may be some rules you need to follow to not confuse baby going forward, especially if feeding to sleep has already become a sleep prop. In these instances, you may find yourself working on feeding and sleep together. You can continue to breast feed of course and we will talk through any changes you may experience.

Why don’t you have an age-specific course or schedule I can purchase online?

I truly believe there is no one-size fits all approach, so I prefer to customise a plan that I know will work for your baby and your family.  I work with so many parents who have tired to follow an online schedule in the past, but their baby doesn’t stick to the timings – and they have no idea what to do. Then it all gets too hard, and any progress made is lost. I do not want that to happen to you!

I do have a guide schedule, with nap timings (and I’m happy to give this to you, just ask), but we also look at individual patterns to see what works best for your child.

How long does it take to make changes to sleep?

This can depend on what the issue is, how old your child is and what you want to change. To give you an indication, babies aged under 1 year can often learn to sleep through the night within a week (and in as little as a few days) but changing things like naps and early mornings do take longer (4+ weeks), which is why my plans are longer than most, so I can see you through to your full sleep goal. For adults, we give it a month. The sooner you start, the sooner you see the benefits.

If I decide to sleep train do I need to CIO?

No, I typically don’t offer CIO (cry it out) options when I develop my sleep plans. However, I can’t always guarantee no crying – because in most cases we are making changes to your little one’s sleep habits. And that is often met with some protest for a few days.

A large number of children do not cry at all, and some only cry a few minutes. Wherever the start line is, all parents say that crying gets significantly better within 3-5 days of following the plan.

What methods do you use?

I like to use a gentle method that often involves a parent in the process. Gentle methods are holistic and look at all factors that impact on sleep over the entire 24-hour day. But there is no one-size-fits all approach, so the method needs to work with your family. I typically do not use a “cry it out” or graduated extinction method unless specifically requested by the family.

Can you guarantee no crying?

While I will make the process as easy as possible for your little one, and for you, I cannot guarantee no crying. When making changes to anyone’s sleep habits (regardless of age), it is often met with protest. And in this case a young child has no way to communicate other than cry.

A number of children do not cry at all, and some only cry a few minutes. Wherever the start line is, all parents say that crying gets significantly better within 3-5 days of following the plan.

What are your qualifications?

I hold a Science Degree majoring in psychology and pharmacology (including child development) and a number of health-related post-grad papers. Plus, I have trained overseas in gentle sleep methods, and continued this with parenting education and special needs courses. However, my main qualification is being a Mum. My children have gone through the ringer with sleep, from prematurity, colic, dairy intolerances, allergies and sinus issues, night terrors, sleep apnoea and anxiety. Not to mention my eldest has dyslexia, ADHD and ODD. I’ve been at my wits end due to lack of sleep in the past and have had to work on it. I have researched a lot.

I am not a sleep specialist because my children have always slept well, I am a sleep specialist because they have not; and we have then solved those issues. I have been without sleep too – and there is a way out!

Just because you are a parent, you do not have to accept lack of sleep as a given.

Where did you gain your sleep certification?

I chose to train overseas in the gentle Sleep Sense ™ method, which I have followed since my son was a newborn in 2008 and before sleep consultants were a “thing” in New Zealand. I now mentor other sleep consultants around the world as part of this global network.

I tend to use Sleep Sense ™ methods (that programme alone has helped more than 109,000 children sleep through the night), but I also draw on other alternatives depending on the family.

 There are only a couple of trained Sleep Sense ™ consultants in New Zealand, but there are hundreds around the world. We’re a global network that continues to support each other.

How do I know it will work?

My plans and consultations are about giving you the tools you need to teach your child healthy sleep habits. I do not do it for you, but I will give you the information you need, a step-by-step plan to follow and I will coach you through it, so you know exactly what to do. My plans work in 99% of all cases. Sleep WILL improve if you follow the plan. However, if you choose not to follow ALL the plan, you cannot be guaranteed full results.

In the 1% of cases where it does not work fully, I find it is because there is an underlying medical issue that has not been diagnosed yet. This includes things like food intolerances, lip or tongue ties, and/or sleep disordered breathing. I have worked with numerous families (including my own) who have these issues. If the medical issues are under control you can still see full improvement in sleep, and even clients currently dealing with these medical issues see improvements. It may just be a little slower.

I’m not sure – help!

If you are thinking of working on sleep but aren’t sure you’re ready just yet – let’s talk it through. You being ready and realising the value of sleep is an important part of the equation. I offer free initial calls so you can find out more. When you’re ready you can book a call here:  

How much are your packages?

For new clients, my packages are largely based on age group. My most popular packages start at an investment of just $599 – that includes a full sleep evaluation, a customised written sleep plan, a 90-120 minute consultation, phone calls, unlimited email, a shared sleep log and more. It’s excellent value for money. But I also offer one-off calls so there really is something to suit all budgets, let’s talk and see what’s right for you.

I can’t afford it right now; do you offer payment plans?

Yes! I offer payment plans. I ask for a minimum of $99 down to get started, but we can discuss a payment plan that best suits you as we work together. I don’t want money to get in the way of better sleep!

Do you work with overseas clients?

Yes! I have a number of international clients. Due to the wonders of the internet, I can work with anyone around the globe. There may not be quite as many time options available for a consultation if you’re on the other side of the world, but we’ll make it work.

Why can’t I find cheap options on your website?

Cheap is such a dirty word, isn’t it? When I work on sleep, I don’t want to give you a half-hearted effort. I want this to work for you!

Chances are you will find my sleep packages are the best investment you make all year (I’ve heard it so often from clients, I really should put my prices up!) Cherished Sleep packages are great value for money, and I make them as affordable as possible by offering payment plans as an option. You can get started from just $99 down.

Sometimes I do offer “budget-friendly” sleep package options (like groups), so don’t rule me out if you’re after a small fix, but I know this doesn’t always give you the support you need going forward. Let’s talk on a free call first: you can book a call here: 

If your child is generally doing well with sleep, but you have an issue you’d like to talk through, a short paid call could be the answer you’re looking for. You’ll find some options here:

If you are in Auckland, you can attend a sleep tips seminar or coffee group talk. I also offer webinars online. These are great low-investment options. Check out what’s coming up here.

Can you help me?

I’d love to learn more about what’s going on with you to see if it the sleep issues you’re experiencing are something I can help with. Most sleep issues are behavioural (not medical), so there is a good chance I can get you on track with sleep. In the rare cases it’s outside my field of expertise, I’ll work with you to get you the help you need or refer you on.

You can book a free call here: 

Won’t they just grow out of the sleep issue?

If you’re lucky, yes, your child will figure out their own way to independent sleep and naturally sleep through the night. This generally happens around 3 or 4 years of age if nothing gets in the way of the process. That’s a long time to wait for better sleep if you’re already struggling with a baby. However, there are also a large percentage of children who continue to not sleep well past these ages.

I regular work with parents of 7- to 9- year olds. Sometimes their child has previously slept well, but in a large number of cases, the child has been a poor sleeper since birth.

I work with all ages because babies who don’t sleep well turn into toddlers who don’t sleep well, to school children who don’t sleep well and so on…  The earlier you can address sleep issues, the better the quality of life.