I’ve previously mentioned that driving when sleep deprived is like driving drunk, but are sleep-deprived mothers at higher risk of road crashes? Let’s look at what a recent Australian study (1) found when they looked at driving behaviour in mothers with infants who...
5 tips to stop Easter sabotaging your child’s sleep Easter is just around the corner. For most children this means the Easter bunny is stocking his basket full of chocolate – with hopes he hops by this weekend. The thought of chocolate and Easter Egg hunts...
It is that time of year again where we all start thinking about the holiday period and where we will be. This year has some added complications such as; will I be allowed to go anywhere, will I be able to see family. Let us hope for the best and say yes. But how are...
The coronavirus pandemic could help your family sleep better While this might, at first, sound counter-intuitive in these uncertain times, the coronavirus pandemic could help your family sleep better. Yes, it’s true. Hear me out. A lot of the rules around...
Preserving your child’s sleep over the holiday period Preserving your child’s sleep over the holiday period is well worth considering. With the holidays fast approaching, many parents whose babies are sleeping on a schedule are worried that they might regress a...