by Kim Corley | Apr 13, 2022 | Being a Mum, Grandparents, holidays, parenting, Routines, School children, Toddlers
5 tips to stop Easter sabotaging your child’s sleep Easter is just around the corner. For most children this means the Easter bunny is stocking his basket full of chocolate – with hopes he hops by this weekend. The thought of chocolate and Easter Egg hunts...
by Kim Corley | Jun 29, 2020 | Sleep Consultant, Toddlers
How to instigate quiet time for your toddler Wahoo, you’ve done it. You have decided it is time to drop the nap and now you’re wondering how to instigate quiet time for your toddler instead. Quiet time sounds great in theory, but how does it actually work? Most...
by Kim Corley | Jun 17, 2020 | Toddlers
How to decide if your toddler should stop napping Ditching the last nap is a big move, so I wanted to give you some tips in case you’re wondering how to decide if your toddler should stop napping. The decision to stop napping is not one many parents take lightly....