Flexible schedules or clock-based naps?

Flexible schedules or clock-based naps?

Flexible schedule or clock-based naps? Is your child on a flexible schedule or having clock-based naps? When you’re a parent navigating your child’s first couple of years of life, there’s a lot to take into consideration. And when it comes to sleep and napping, almost...
The Truth about Dummy use

The Truth about Dummy use

The Truth about Dummy use Here’s the Truth about Dummy use. Dummies are a controversial topic and just another example of parenting choice you need to make up your own mind about. You may already know that sleep can be complex, but there’s also more complexity around...
Nap changes in baby’s first year

Nap changes in baby’s first year

Nap changes in baby’s first year During baby’s first year of life there are significant nap changes that take place. Which makes sense when you consider the significant development that is also taking place during this time. There is so much growth during the first...
Why daytime sleep is so important

Why daytime sleep is so important

Why daytime sleep is so important Yes, daytime sleep is important! Typically if your child is under the age of 2.5 years they require some daytime sleep, otherwise known as NAPS (an acronym for Necessary Adult Peace Sessions – and that isn’t just a fun play on...