Why I recommend working on sleep early When you think of baby sleep, what comes to mind? Is it smiling down at a sleeping baby who is slumbering away peacefully and getting the rest they need? Or does it bring up scenes of pacing the hall with a crying baby, or going...
Do you have sleep perfectionism? It’s out there, the myth of perfect baby sleep. But is “perfect” really attainable? Sleep perfectionism has a way of sneaking into a new mum’s life. And that can cause even more anxiety than normal. As a sleep specialist I want to let...
Learn how light and dark affect sleep Once you learn how light and dark affect sleep, it’s much easier to use these tools for all sorts of things. Working WITH your child’s body (instead of against it) can help you navigate sleep in the summer, adjust for daylight...
5 easy steps for sleepovers at the grandparents There’s nothing better than having access to grandparents who can babysit for you. It really is a magical experience, so here are five easy steps for sleepovers at the grandparents. Indeed, once a family has worked with...
How to handle those devastating sleep regressions If you’ve recently got sleep sorted, chances are you don’t want to hear how to handle those devastating sleep regressions, because I’m pretty sure you’re hoping this patch of great sleep will last forever. If we’ve...