by Kim Corley | Dec 11, 2024 | baby sleep, Christmas, Grandparents, holidays, parenting, Routines, Toddlers, travel
I’m a sucker for summer holidays. Holidays bring travel and joy, especially if gathering with extended family. But they can also bring a host of disruptions to your baby’s or child’s sleep routine. It can be tempting to throw schedules out the window to accommodate...
by Kim Corley | Dec 18, 2022 | baby sleep, Bedtime, Being a Mum, Christmas, Fathers, Grandparents, holidays, Naps, parenting, Routines, Sleepovers, travel
It’s almost Christmas and the perfect time to remind you that it’s your child, your rules. My gift to you today are these 5 tips to avoid sleep sabotage these holidays. I want you to remember that you oversee your child’s schedule. Not your mother-in-law, not your...
by Kim Corley | Nov 27, 2021 | Adults, Being a Mum, Christmas, Grandparents
12 Days of Cherished Sleep Christmas Giveaways It was a no-brainer for me to bring back the Cherished Sleep 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways in 2021. Everyday at 9am and 9pm there will be a new giveaway released. And watch out for some sneaky bundle giveaways too...
by Kim Corley | Dec 2, 2017 | Sleep Consultant
Preserving your child’s sleep over the holiday period Preserving your child’s sleep over the holiday period is well worth considering. With the holidays fast approaching, many parents whose babies are sleeping on a schedule are worried that they might regress a...
by Kim Corley | Dec 19, 2016 | Sleep Consultant
Sleep tips for the Christmas silly season Would some sleep tips for the Christmas silly season help you out? I think it’s fair to say the silly season is definitely upon us! Things can get a bit crazy during this time of year, and you may be wondering how you’ll...